Phase 2
so I had the area, now I needed a platform for the hives to sit on, you'll notice I said hives rather than hive, yes I was putting two here, in beekeeping it's best to have a minimum of two, bees,frames,eggs,brood etc can then easily be swapped between the two hives if one gets into trouble, having only one hive would mean if you lost a queen, the hive could end up dying
next I added the empty hives, they both had a mixture of new plastic foundation and old honey comb built by last years bees, this helps the hive smell like home to any passing bee swarms
the first langstroth hive, this is just where the queen and workers live, honey boxes are placed on top under the roof when the colony is large enough to produce honey, the hive is strapped down for safety from high winds and passing foxes, yes we have those urban foxes here
the 2nd new langstroth hive, I needed large platforms so that when honey is being removed via the flow frames, large jars can be stood on the platform base to catch the honey
both hives ready and waiting for bees, we didn't need to wait long