Adding some feed
Even though today was quite sunny, beekeepers had been getting advice to feed their bees due to the june darth, a gap in available pollen, and as ours are all newish swarms, thought it was a good idea, I had removed 4 super frames from a commercial hive in my woodland so wanted to use this, some beekeepers don't like swapping frames/feeding between hives for fear of spreading disease, I'm not in that group, after all, bees will quite happily rob honey from another hive, and your powerless to stop this when they leave the hive, so I don't see this as any difference.
My beekeeping friend has a poly nuc in the secret garden at the moment, we added these 5 days ago, and had only given them a little feed, so I wanted to make sure they had enough too, so had made up a pint of sugar syrup,