picked up the National Hive,
So the rain eased off enough for me to pop over and pick up the National hive and bees, our third hive for the secret garden, there is a lot of bees, this hive had a brood box and 3 supers, I needed to reduce it's size to get it in the car, on removing the lid and crown board, the top super was ram packed with bees, I used a product called "beegone" which is chemical free to push the bees down into the lower boxes, then removed the super and closed up the hive, put two ratchet straps on and lastly pushhed foam into the entrance and then gaffa taped it.
christ was it heavy, but with pig ignorance I managed to get it into the car along with the super and other bee related bits and bobs, only six escapees on the way home and no stings.
Once home I put them straight into the secret bee garden, removed the tape and foam, ready for them to take orientation flights at dawn, I'll pop down later in the day tomorrow and check through the hive.
also recieved my new labels today, so for anyone wanting secret bee garden honey, give me a shout, they are going fast.